April 2021

The first Solarian was minted 07 April 2021, making it the:

  • First on-chain generative NFT on Solana
  • First Animated NFT Collection on Solana
  • First NFT collection on Solana with a trustless, near instant mint"

May 2021

Finished final designs for all 1800 robot parts

June 2021

Rarity of parts defined and integrated with the renderer

July 2021

  • One of the first NFT projects to migrate to the Metaplex standard
  • First Original NFT collection on Solana with on-chain metadata

August 2021

Escrow marketplace created for Solarians on our website

  • 20% of all royalties from sales of Solarians goes to RoboDAO

Solarian team helped to launch ROX

  • 603 ROX reserved exclusively for Solarian holders (selected titles)
  • Part of mint revenue given to RoboDAO

Solarian team collaborated to build the first Open NFT marketplace, DigitalEyes

  • 4% of marketplace service fees given to RoboDAO

September 2021

Solarian team helped to launch Bitboats

  • 500 Bitcaptains reserved exclusively for Solarian Holders (selected titles)
  • Part of mint revenue given to RoboDAO

October 2021

RoboDAO formed with more than 5000 SOL given to the RoboDAO, with ongoing contributions from:

  • 20% of royalties from sales of Solarians
  • 4% of DigitalEyes' marketplace service fees

November 2021

  • Launch of the first Solarian Games, an ongoing inter-project community games event
  • Profile Picture Beta launched

Solarian team helped to launch Pengos:

  • 5 Solarian holders voted as Project Managers
  • 1,529 Pengos airdropped to 760 Solarian Holders (selected titles)
  • 20% of mint to be given back to RoboDAO

January 2022

  • Changing Room Demo launched, where Solarian Holders can personalize their Solarians with accessories
  • Metadata migrated to Arweave

February 2022

  • Demo website launched
  • Solarian Lore revealed

March 2022

  • Reveal of Roadmap 3.0

April 2022

  • Completed migration to new website
  • Launch of first Changing Room item drop (12 accessories), all free-to-claim with some requiring specific titles

May 2022

  • Launched “Spare Parts” feature in Changing Room, which allows holders to combine parts of Solarians they own to make better PFPs and other content
  • Launched Solarians Swap (Quantum Entangler), which allows holders to swap their 9-decimal Solarians (typically the first #5766) for 0-decimal versions.
  • Collection listed on OpenSea
  • Launch of GIF Generator

Q3 2022

  • Launched Canvas, which can be used to make memes, comics, banners, etc.
  • Completed the first Solarian Song
  • Started Solarian's 3d versions

Q4 2022

  • Migrated to RoboDAO Discord
  • Multisig established and assets migration began

Q1 2023

  • Swapped 1% of dao treasury liquid sol into Bonk with a thesis it could become a community-based unit of account on Solana
  • Weekly DAO calls re-established
  • Listed on

Q2 2023

  • Conservatively calculated amounts of treasury used to support the floor and acquired cheap Solarians for the DAO
  • DAO Council established
  • Robo-Duty-Manual 1.0 delivered

Q3 2023

  • Sponsored a PizzaDAO event at Token2049
  • Completed asset migration to multisig

Q4 2023

  • Deprecated original Solarians Discord

Q1 2024

  • Update website
  • Design merch for IRL events

Q2 2024

  • Cosponsored 3 major side-events (Multichain Advisors, Monke Music, PizzaDAO) during NFT NYC
  • Released the first batch of Solarian merch (T-shirts & stickers)

Q3 2024

  • Complete 3D Solarians collection
  • Cosponsor events during Breakpoint/Token2049 week in Singapore
  • Deploy on-chain voting with weighted titles

Q4 2024

  • Finish metaverse models






PEW PEW with Solarians!

Join the Solarian community on Twitter and Discord and keep up to date with all the latest info and announcements. Get verified in Discord to join the RoboDAO!

Solarian Galaxy